What a time to be alive, huh? We can’t go anywhere without the conversation coming up. Hell, we can’t go anywhere at all. Our trips are canceled because of COVID-19. Newsfeeds are full of what to do, what not to do, who is most affected, what it’s going to be like in a week, a month. And our inbox is flooded with messages from every business we are connected to expressing concerns and next steps. It’s definitely a strange time and we are all affected in some way.
For a lot of us, a trip was canceled because of COVID-19 and the concern of it spreading. And it totally sucks. Our purchased plane tickets. All the planning and saving we did to make it happen. Our anticipation. All gone. Just like that?
Now what? Here is What to Do:
The first step is to make sure everything is taken care of logistically with reservations. Most, if not all, airlines are offering free cancellations for previously booked flights regardless of insurance. The same goes for hotels/Airbnb’s (though not Vrbo—bad look), as well as tickets to shows and events. A couple of tips:
- Save Receipts and Cancellation Notifications; flag or put your emails in a separate folder so they are easy to find. Things are crazy right now for businesses and if something slips through the cracks, you want to have proof of cancellation.
- Make a Note to Check on Refunds; these things take time—usually longer than we’d like. Make a note in your calendar to check your bank account for your refund in 7-10 days so you don’t forget.
- Do a Quick Statement Scan; go through your bank statement to make sure you aren’t forgetting any small purchases you made for the trip. Every dollar counts!
- Be Patient; we’re all doing what we can—let your refunds happen. There are people out there scrambling to accomplish them.

Your refunds for your trip canceled due to COVID-19 are likely going to be a substantial amount of money. Airfare and hotels aren’t cheap. But the credit to your account isn’t an excuse to go on a shopping spree! And though at this time, an end isn’t really in sight—your trips are going to be able to happen eventually. SAVE THE MONEY. Put it in your savings account (or use Qapital like me so you don’t even see it!) to make sure it’s available down the road. You worked hard to make the trip happen in the first place. Make sure it’s still there when traveling is an option again.
If your trip isn’t possible later in the year—you were visiting someone who won’t be there anymore, the time of year was important, you were going to a certain event—then now is the perfect opportunity to check a different destination off your bucket list. And planning a new trip if the perfect quarantine to-do!
In every situation, there is a silver lining. And in this one—flights. are. cheap. If you are planning to take the same trip later this year, start looking now. Most, if not all, airlines are offering cheaper flights with free cancellations if they are booked in the next couple of weeks. Start looking for summer flights and save a ton of money! I have a June trip planned and up until recently, flights were sitting at around $350. After COVID-19 took over the world? $150. Fingers crossed the trip is able to happen and I saved a couple hundred bucks. If not, free cancellation and no harm done. And don’t just look into the flight for the trip that’s been canceled. Look to buy tickets in advance for any traveling you were planning to do later this year. Get out there and search!

Believe me, I know it sucks that your trip was canceled because of COVID-19. So many of us had to cancel trips, or plans in general, to abide by the COVID-19 recommendations. Life is not as usual and quite frankly not like anything we have ever seen before. But that said, all we can do is remain positive. Yes, trips are canceled. But also, those destinations aren’t going anywhere. We’re going to get the all-clear eventually and we’ll be able to travel again. Whether it’s to the same destination or not, there are things to look forward to in the future. In the meantime:
- Start Researching a New Trip; we can’t go anywhere but we can plan ahead.
- Save Money; in addition to our refunds, most of us aren’t going too far from the house. Use the opportunity to stash some extra cash. But at the same time…
- Support Small Businesses; it helps people in a tough situation, makes you feel good and keeps everyone’s spirits lifted. We all know someone in a bind right now because they own a company and are worried about a number of things. Support them. Buy their products and grab a few gift cards.
- Read Books; it’s time for us all to slow down. And books can take you anywhere you want! (Don’t roll your eyes. I know it’s not equivalent to a trip…but it’s better than crying on the couch, no?)

Guess when we can leisurely travel again without extra worries? WHEN THIS IS OVER. And when is it over? WHEN THE VIRUS STOPS SPREADING. How does that happen? You’ve been told a million times. Wash your hands, avoid large crowds, stay home as much as possible, disinfect. LISTEN to health officials. Just because you feel immune, does not mean you can’t spread it.
And what does this not mean? It doesn’t mean don’t step foot outside. Go for walks and stay active. Don’t go buy every bag of rice and 250 rolls of toilet paper. Other people need to eat and wipe their butts. And don’t continue to take in and share fear-based content. It’s hard not to become consumed but turn off the news and get away from your phone when you can. Share the facts. And positive things like the people of Italy who are signing outside their apartments together while quarantined.
We’re all in this together.
Please let’s make this go away soon. The books, the puzzles, the Netflix shows can only last so long after our trip was canceled because of COVID-19. I need to get on an airplane. And write about destinations, not a virus! Goodspeed, everyone!