Babies need A LOT OF STUFF! That can make it a little daunting to take your new baby on a long flight or road trip. But you can rest assured that you’re not going to forget anything with this baby packing list! The ultimate travel checklist (short, quick version at the bottom) has you covered.
Whether it’s your first trip with your baby or the tenth, make sure you have everything for a successful vacation.

The Ultimate Travel Checklist
Sit back, read, and watch your stress levels come down as we run through everything you will need for sleep, feeds, diaper changes, and more!
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Baby Packing List: Travel Essentials
Let’s start with the obvious must’s. Keep in mind that there are rental companies for many of these bigger items such as BabyQuip and Rents4baby. Personally, I’ve never used them, but they might be worth looking into.
Car Seat + Cover
Most of the time, you’re going to need your own car seat when you travel. Whether it’s being on a road trip, getting to the airport, or driving around when you reach your destination, your baby needs their own seat for obvious reasons.
Read more on Traveling with a Newborn Baby Road Trip Tips
For airport travel, you can either bring it on the plane with you (assuming you purchased your baby their own seat), check it when you first get to the airport, or check it right at the gate. The latter two are free. We choose to gate check it and have this car seat bag to make hauling around the airport as easy as possible.

TIP: Ask the gate agent when you arrive if there are open seats on the plane. If so, they will likely move you to the row with the open seat and you won’t have to hold your baby the whole time.
TIP: Don’t forget a car seat cover or at least an extra blanket. If the baby falls asleep, it’s nice to keep it as dark as possible. (And honestly, it might be smart to cover them regardless given the number of people and germs in an airport!)
Travel Stroller
Sometimes you can get by without it. Other times you cannot. It’s a good idea to purchase a more compact stroller if you travel often and it will get plenty of use. This umbrella stroller is a great, lightweight option.
TIP: Check if there are stroller options at your destination. When we visit family, they have a stroller for us so we typically leave the stroller at home and have less to carry.
TIP: Don’t forget a stroller fan! Especially if you are headed to the beach or somewhere else hot.

Baby Carrier
Wear the baby during an airport travel day! This keeps them right in front of you and your arms are free to wheel suitcases plus, have a backpack. This Ergobaby Embrace is great and comfortable for babies that are 7-25 lbs.

Baby Passport/Birth Certificate
If your trip includes air travel, make sure you have the appropriate travel documents for your baby. Domestic flights will often ask for a birth certificate and international ones will require a baby passport.
Baby Packing List: Clothes & Toiletries
Next comes all the baby gear. I recommend a carry-on bag over a checked bag (cheaper and less risky), and if you can make it work, combine their stuff into your roller bag. Packing cubes are a huge help and can keep things separate.
TIP: Keep in mind if you will have a washing machine available. If so, you can get by with fewer clothes.
Tops & Bottoms
Rule of thumb: # of vacation days X 1.5, rounded up. If we are gone for 10 days, I’ll pack them 15 outfits. If we’re gone for 3 days, 5. Spills, blowouts, drool. There are certainly days you need more than one outfit and this will give you peace of mind.
Sleepers & Pajamas
Rule of thumb: # of vacation days X 0.75, rounded down. You shouldn’t need different pajamas for every single day. If we’re gone a week, 5 jammies. And 3 days, 2 of them. They can re-wear a few and some of their clothes likely double as pajamas anyway!
Socks & Mittens
This depends on their outfits. Try to pack a majority that includes feet. Socks can be a pain in the butt. And mittens are the same. Throw in 1-3 pairs just to be safe.
If you are spending time at the beach or the pool, you’ll need a couple of swimsuits. If this is you, don’t forget disposable swim diapers, as well.
Coats & Hats
Doing the opposite of swimming? If you are heading into cold weather, don’t forget 1-2 warm coats and hats.
Whether it’s sandals, tennis shoes, or boots, pack what you will need for the elements. TIP: Have them wear the bulkiest pair to avoid packing them. (This is assuming they don’t mind having them on!)
- Lotion: Make sure all liquids are the required 3.4 oz or less.
- Soap: I pour the brand we prefer (Honest) into travel bottles.
- Baby Washcloth
- Hairbrush
- Toothbrush
- Kids Toothpaste
- Bows
- Nail Clippers
- Nose Sucker
- Medication: Don’t forget the baby Tylenol!
TIP: Avoid a portable bath tub. They are too big for what they are worth.
Baby Packing List: Diaper Changes
Nothing better than changing a baby on the go, am I right!? Make it as easy as possible and don’t forget any of these items.
Diaper Bag
A nice, high-quality diaper bag is well worth it when you travel. There is so much needed during travel days and you want easy access to diapering necessities and a change of clothes, if needed. This used to be my backpack but you know, kids get everything, and I LOVE it as my diaper bag.

Diapers & Wipes
This is something you should have enough of for the travel day and maybe one extra day, but buy the majority of your diapers, and even wipes, when you get there. They are everywhere and it helps you save on space.
TIP: Don’t do cloth diapers. That is just too much when you’re traveling.
Diaper Cream
As mentioned above, if you’re flying, make sure it is the appropriate travel size! 3.4 oz is the max. We use Aquafor to prevent rashes and their balm sticks are great for travel.
Portable Changing Pad(s)
I cannot recommend the two changing pads we utilize on trips enough. We use this infant lounger when we take a road trip—it folds up for easy storage and can be laid out in the backseat or trunk area. And for planes (or just going anywhere out of the house) we use this easy roll-up changing pad that wipes clean in a breeze.

Baby Packing List: Feeding
Breast milk, formula, snacks. There is so much to think about when traveling with a baby and keeping them full.
Bottled Breast Milk (Cooler with Ice Packs)
Make sure you have plenty of milk ready! I usually have what I think I’ll need, plus two more. One of my favorite baby items is this cooler which holds 6 bottles and comes with perfect fitting ice packs. I also have another small one that fits any additional breast milk in storage bottles.
Breast milk is permitted to be taken on airplanes but be prepared for a little extra time when getting through security because they will need to inspect it.
TIP: Feed the baby on takeoff and landing as it’s said to help with their ears not popping. (And if they’re eating, they’re not crying…lol)

If you use a formula, make sure to have enough for your travels. We supplement with formula and I will usually send some to our destination so it’s one less thing to pack.
Breast Pump + Storage Bottles
Pumping never stops! I invested in the portable Elvie breast pump and I am SO glad I did—it’s perfect for travel and a great alternative to the big ones that are a pain to bring with you. The great thing about the Elvie is it is easy to pack and very discreet to use on the go. Added bonus: While they do make noise, it’s very hard for anyone to hear it besides you.
TIP: Make cleaning the pump parts a BREEZE with these handy-dandy cleaning wipes. And these are my favorite storage bottles. You can mark the day and time you pumped the milk. However do be cautious if you are an oversupplyer, they aren’t very big.
Bottle Warmer
One of the must-have items for travel is a portable bottle warmer. Heat it when the baby just starts to wake up and before they lose their mind out of hunger! The entire family will benefit from this one.

Dish Soap
This is another item I will pour into travel-size bottles. I am picky about what I use to clean bottles and Branch Basics is my go-to for a soap with no additives and chemicals. You can purchase travel-size and I know big brands like Dawn sell the small size as well.
Bibs & Burp Cloths
In an effort to be efficient, it’s easiest to just have a bib on them the entire day! And I stick a burp cloth everywhere. Backpacks, cooler bags, and small pockets of the suitcase—make them easy to find and grab.
Baby Food & Snacks
If your baby is older or for small children in general, a great way to distract them is with food! Bring plenty of their favorite snacks—but be mindful of clean-up. Nothing that’s going to spill a bunch of crumbs and annoy flight attendants.
Portable High Chair
If you think it’s necessary, bring the portable high chair, though this would be one of the first things out for me if we were running out of space or hands to carry.
Baby Packing List: Sleep
Is there anything better than when your baby is asleep during travel? Make sure to include these items in your suitcases and backpacks so that can happen!
Baby Blankets & Swaddles
Bring a few. Baby blankets can be used for a number of different things from staying warm to blocking the sun in the car. And obviously, if your baby uses a swaddle at home, you don’t want to leave without it.
Bassinet or Travel Crib
These can be large and take up a lot of space and/or be hard to lug around. Decide if a pack-and-play or bassinet is necessary or if your destination has a place for your baby to sleep. Many hotels offer them so you can set it up in your hotel room. Or it might be smart to keep one available at a family member’s house if you will be there frequently.
Crib Sheets
If you do end up bringing your own, don’t forget the sheets to go with it! And spare might be smart if you have room as well.
Baby Monitor
If your baby is going to be sleeping in a different room on your trip, don’t forget the monitor.
Sound Machine
Sound machines are clutch—especially when you are in a new place. Drown out the noises and make sure your baby sleeps in peace. This is one of my favorite portable white noise machines.

Baby Packing List: Miscellaneous
And lastly, the random stuff that doesn’t really fit into one of the big categories, but you still don’t want to forget it.
Notice it’s plural. Make sure to bring more than one in case one gets lost or dirty. The ol’ pacifier will certainly come in handy at some point during your travels.
Books & Toys
If you have an older baby, bring entertainment. Small toys and a soft crinkly book should help keep their attention (for a few minutes lol.) Bonus if they are new toys! And something that’s been recommended to me time and time again are these window spinners.
Wet Wipes & Sanitizers
Messes will happen so make sure you are prepared with wet wipes. It’s also smart to bring hand sanitizer in case you end up changing a diaper on the go.
Ziplock & Plastic Bags
Need an outfit change? A plastic bag is perfect for poopy diapers and/or dirty clothes. It will lock in all of the smells until you find a trash can.
Seems like everything requires a charge these days and family travel will show you just how true this is! Don’t forget chargers for ALL of the electronics you bring.
First Aid Kit
It’s best to be prepared!
The Ultimate Travel Checklist – Baby Edition!
Use this quick-hit packing checklist for your next trip. There’s so much stuff to bring but your upcoming trip will be full of good times and worth ALL of the hassle.
- Car Seat + Cover + Carrying Bag
- Travel Stroller
- Baby Carrier
- Stroller Fan
- Baby Passport/Birth Certificate
- Tops & Bottoms
- Sleepers & Pajamas
- Socks
- Mittens
- Swimsuit
- Coat
- Shoes
- Lotion
- Soap
- Hairbrush
- Bows
- Nail Clippers
- Nose Sucker
- Medication
- Diaper Bag
- Diapers & Wipes
- Diaper Cream
- Portable Changing Pad(s)
- Bottled Breastmilk (Cooler)
- Formula
- Breast Pump + Storage Bottles
- Dish Soap
- Bibs & Burp Cloths
- Bottle Warmer
- Baby Blankets & Swaddles
- Bassinet or Pack-and-Play
- Crib Sheets
- Baby Monitor
- Sound Machine
- Pacifiers
- Books & Toys
- Wet Wipes & Sanitizers
- Plastic and Ziplock Bags
- Chargers
- Car Seat & Stroller Gate Check Bag
- First Aid Kit
Whether it’s your first flight heading to Disney World, the first time taking a long road trip, or just a quick weekend getaway, I hope the baby travel checklist is a great starting point and helps you have a smooth vacation with a little one! Good luck